Ready to learn game theory? You are in the right place. The list below grants you full access to all of the Game Theory 101 lectures. Click on a topic to get started. (And consider purchasing the companion textbook for $4.99. It closely follows the first four units of this course. I receive a commission from Amazon for each item ordered through this link.)
The Basics
- The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Strict Dominance
- Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies
- Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium and the Stag Hunt
- What Is a Nash Equilibrium?
- Best Responses
- Matching Pennies and Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
- The Mixed Strategy Algorithm
- How NOT to Write a Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
- Battle of the Sexes
- Calculating Payoffs
- Strict Dominance in Mixed Strategies
- Weak Dominance
- Infinitely Many Equilibria
- The Odd Rule
Extensive Form Games
- Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
- Backward Induction
- How NOT to Write a Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
- Multiple Subgame Perfect Equilibria
- Games with Stages
- Punishment Strategies
- Tying Hands (Burning Bridges)
- Commitment Problems
- The Centipede Game
- Problems with Backward Induction
- Forward Induction
Advanced Strategic Form Games
- Probability Distributions
- Generalized Battle of the Sexes
- Knife-Edge Equilibria
- Soccer Penalty Kicks
- Comparative Statics
- The Support of Mixed Strategies
- A Trick with Weak Dominance
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Symmetric, Zero Sum Games
- Modified Rock Paper Scissors
- Mixing among Three Strategies
Games with Infinite Strategy Spaces
Expected Utility Theory
- Introduction to Expected Utility Theory
- The Completeness Axiom
- The Transitivity Axiom
- Rationality
- Condorcet’s Paradox and Social Preferences
- Lotteries
- Independence over Lotteries
- The Allais Paradox
- The Continuity Axiom
- Expected Utility Transformations
- Pareto Efficiency
- Risk Averse, Risk Neutral, and Risk Acceptant Preferences
Repeated Games
- Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma (Finite)
- Discount Factors
- Geometric Series and Infinite Payoffs
- The One-Shot Deviation Principle
- Grim Trigger in the Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Tit-for-Tat in the Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Tit-for-Tat Isn’t Subgame Perfect
- The Folk Theorem
- Repeated Games and the Prediction Problem
Bayesian-Nash Equilibrium
- Introduction to Incomplete Information
- Bayesian Nash Equilibrium
- Finding Bayesian Nash Equilibrium with Nash Equilibrium
- Ex Ante and Interim Dominance
- Why Are There Antes in Poker?
- Is More Information Always Better?
- Continuous Types and Cutpoint Strategies
- The Purification Theorem
- Bayes’ Rule
- The Winner’s Curse
Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium
- Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium
- Screening Games
- Adverse Selection
- Signaling Games and Updating Beliefs
- Separating Equilibrium
- Pooling Equilibrium
- Off-the-Path Beliefs
- The Beer-Quiche Game
- Semi-Separating/Partially-Pooling Equilibrium